Thursday, February 27, 2014

A thoughtful painting (Hannah Hoch)

Happy Thursday evening, everyone!

Something kind of cool happened today. I had my first reader from the country Guadeloupe. I enjoy geography as a kind of hobby and was surprised that I didn't know where it was. So I had to look it up, of course! Guadeloupe is a group of French islands of the lesser Antilles of the Caribbean.  Shout outs to my reader; I have some roots from that side of the world, myself! Thanks for reading, be it from Marie-Galante, La Desirade, Iles de Saints or the main islands!

So today I was thinking that I might share a painting with you all, rather than the usual style of post. I remember coming across this one by Hannah Hoch while preparing for an art class I took in college. I got to thinking about it again, and how Hoch had a good point, here.

It's called Imaginary Bride. At first glance, it's kind of this weird, cubist-type of painting,  and it's quite unnerving, overall. The eyes have a fixed stare that almost seems like death. But look again. An exclamation point on the male's temple suggests a certain urgency of thought. He's looking above her head, at a light. Perhaps to him it appears to be a halo? The sun rises in her eyes, nature springs up from her, she produces a child and it hovers, in her grasp, near his gaping mouth. She's the supply for his world, his needs-- at least to him. 

It seems to be woman as a savior figure for man. It appears, to me, as if the entity outside of himself offers him all resources, but the two outlined, hollow figures inside of him only denote want and lack. 

I feel that this phenomena of relying on someone else, maybe a romantic interest, as a source of salvation, comes when we forget how rich, perennial and capable we are in our own lives. For myself, I know that's when I have to re-evaluate how I view myself and what I think I can do for myself, rather than what other can do for me. 

Kraftgenie, on wrote an excellent article about Hannah Hoch on the blog Weimar Art. Here Hoch was quoted, in speaking of the Dada-ists, a group of Modern German artists who spoke of the need of liberated women, while still refusing to let many women join their art group. I found it the quote helpful when attempting to understand this piece.  

 "None of these men were satisfied with just an ordinary woman. In protest against the older generation they all desired this "New Woman" and her groundbreaking will to freedom. But - they more or less brutally rejected the notion that they, too, had to adopt new attitudes." 

She notes that their private lives were filled with drama for this reason.


Kraftgenie. "Hannah Hoch- Brushfurlets and Beerbellies." Weimar Art., 31 Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Quiet Love (for now!)

Hello, everyone! Happy Thursday! I see I have some readers from some new places: The Czech Republic and Norway! One of my best friends from high school had Norse roots, and I am a huge fan of Antonin Dvorak (His Cello Concerto is the bee's knees, to me!)

Isn't she stylish?

I was thinking I would show you a little snapshot I took of a historical fashion poster, but I think I'll also share a little video of the kind of music I'm listening to at the moment. I feel quite passionate about how clean and fresh I feel the chords part of this song is. The progressions even take off in a slightly unexpected direction. Then the melodic line is played over it, and it's a much more edgy sound, almost seeming to scream a little bit, but it never gets too overwhelming in that respect.

The person who posted this kind of copy and pasted the two parts of the song to make it a little more drawn out. I guess they love it as much as I do!

The guitarist is a very talented metal performer by the name of Hizaki, who does solo projects as well as collaborations with a group called Versailles Philharmonic Quintet. I've been quiet about my appreciation of this type of metal in the past. New day, new dawn, though, right? :)


Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Study of Anna Netrebko

Happy early Thursday! Today I found out that I had my first readers in Japan, Italy and the Netherlands! Thank  you for your interest, you guys! I love your cultures!

Today I'd like to showcase a few styles from the incomparable Anna Netrebko. This will be a study of her personal style, because (let's face it) I could go nuts just looking at the costumes alone. There are some that were just made for her, and some that not everyone would look good in, which she pulls off with great flair! But I shall not get side tracked; it shall just be personal style... :)

 In the above picture, I love how she takes the stereotypical materials that an opera singer should wear (furs and silks), and pairs it with an edgy black leather. She's not only the picture of opera, she's a modern fashionista.
 Look at this cute little number! The high, lace collar implies the fashion of a simpler time. I can't see the skirt all that well, but the fun ottoman chair doesn't hurt the overall look!
I love this brunette Marilyn Monroe haircut...

sequins and dramatic eye shadow- a look I wish I could pull off

Looking like something from out of this world

She could plan outfits for the Russian group, Via Gra.

Rock those sequins, honey!


Just in case you'd like to see her clothes in action, or you're not sure what Anna is famous for, here is one of her most outstanding performances, at least in my opinion. I've never seen someone so engaging and entertaining on the classical music stage. I hope it becomes a trend. :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Saving big decisions for a rainy day

Today I finally made a big decision after two months of thinking. I decided (with my sister's suggestion) to dress up for it a little, and I'm glad I did, since it was fun to do so. It also happens to be a rainy day. They only way today could get better is if there was thunder as well! I happen to like the coolness of overcast days. :) Anyway, my awesome photographer/stylist was kind enough to take photos for me.

For some reason, I had a feeling like something in my life was off, and I felt a little irritable, so if I look annoyed, in some of them, you're reading me right! Haha! Before the end of the shoot I was starting to feel better.

Hey over there!

Still looks like rain...

Side eye :p

Under My Umbrella... Makes me think of Incubus!

Not quite singing in the rain... :)

Cray sweater business...

 Happy Thursday all! Thanks for reading!