Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I've had trouble with an aquataintance lately, and I hope that through my actions and as well as this person's, we can put it to a stop. Tonight I wrote a short letter to them, and upon presenting it, I was told "I don't want it." They did let me read it to them, though.

I am not posting the contents of the letter in order to air out dirty laundry in public, but I would like to have a record of what I said and what efforts I made. Furthermore, if it so happens that you like my style and can learn from it, this blog entry will have been well worth my time and effort.

"Hi --,

      I want you to know, if you are not willing to compensate me with the soymilk, then I don't want you to. I feel it would increase a sense of resentment between us, and I sense we already have quite enough of that.
     Rather, what I want for us is mutual respect. After the difficulties we've been through, I understand if you don't like me, but I'd like us to respect each other.
    Furthermore, I do not want to be a source of stress for you. Instead, I want you to kick a$$ in school, become a great nurse, saves many lives, and inspire many more nurses. I hope to do the same with my chosen career.
     Finally, I want to thank you: while a lot did not go as I wanted, I could always tell that you made efforts to be patient and level-headed in my presence. I respect and am grateful for that.


Listen to Your Heart