Thursday, June 25, 2015

Something New & Elegantees

Hello, my darlings! I am so excited to announce that I have teamed up with to bring you beautiful and classic shirts with a great cause!

My last few posts have been about ethical and fair-trade aspects of fashion. Since then I've been on the hunt for all things fashion (and lifestyle) that happens to benefit those who produce the items, as well as the purchaser. 

This one's on my "To Purchase" list!
One of the first sites I found was Elegantees. Their shirts and dresses are designed in the United States and are sewn in Nepal by seamstresses that were formerly victims of human trafficking.

As an ambassador of Elegantees, I'm so pleased to share with you the code Something New which will get you free shipping on these classic and affordable T-shirts!

Thanks for stopping by, and happy shopping!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Things I like right now- Summer Trends

Hello my lovely readers (both regular and casual)! I'm so glad to see my first reader from Nigeria, and nearly as many readers from ... as from the United States. Welcome!

For the past several weeks I've been noticing little patterns and trends popping up here and there. Some of this list might just be my personal preferences, and others a larger movement.

Metallic tassel on a chartreuse linen blouse!

I met this ever so Char-ming dance instructor/financial planner who agreed to let me photograph her neon tasseled work blouse. (And what a wonderful personality, too!)
a small tassel on a necklace
A vintage tassel of pearls!

Turbans and headwraps:

I've been reading about Madame Germaine de Stael lately, and I'm jazzed by this 18th Century political babe. She had men eating from the palm of her hands, and wore turbans even though it wasn't trendy in Paris; she simply liked a painting of a girl wearing one when she traveled to Italy, and wore them until she died. 
My sister called this look Rocka'Marla
Purple and Burgundies: 

Perhaps this is just a personal preference; for a long time I was afraid to wear my favorite color out, lest I become pigeonholed in that one color, but now I feel like it's safe to step out with it a little bit more.

Sky and Navy Blue:

Some months ago, you might recall that I predicted that Sky blue was going to be more prevalent. 

I didn't quite expect for it to be almost entirely and quite suddenly overshadowed by navy. But I do like navy, and I feel that it's been overlooked for a very long time, so I'm glad to see the color making a comeback.

Navy Stripes: 
One of my lovely aunts rocking navy and stripes!

I hear a lot of people talking about navy blue sailor stripe shirts lately. I guess I'm a little nerdy because I didn't realize that they weren't center stage before, so I just wore them all the time because I like the look.

I'm also really liking chambray on ladies (and gents!), but if I keep stalling this post to add more looks that I like for summer, it'll be fall in no time! 

Thanks so much, as always, for stopping by!