Friday, May 30, 2014

Recommended Reading: How the Gucci Bamboo Handbag is Made

Today's Topic
Hello my dear readers! Happy Friday!

Sorry I was missing in action yesterday. Have you ever had one of those days where you get a lot done, but for some reason the details of how you'd like the day to go... never really fall into place? I had to put more than one or two wants aside, including posting something nice for you all.

In other news, today, I saw that I had (what I believe to be) my first reader from Belarus!

True to my curious self, I looked it up! Belarus' capital is Minsk, which was mentioned a few times in the television series Friends. I loved hearing from the stuttering, forlorn but terribly romantic scientist, whose relationship never really takes off because his chemistry research brings him to Minsk. He talks about how lovely it is in the spring, even! Belarus actually shares a border with Poland, Ukraine and Russia, and I will admit, until know I thought it was currently a part of Russia. (Sorry, everyone! My bad!)

I could go on (because Belarus has a really informative official website!), but I'd also like to share some recommended reading with you all. I perchanced across a website called, and while exploring it a little bit, I found this article about the birth of the Gucci Bamboo-handled handbag. It has been said "Necessity is the mother of invention", and I think that necessity is also the refresher of fashion. I love the resourcefulness that people can have sometimes, even during difficult times in human history. Maybe looking at things differently will help us have fewer difficult times in the future...

How fun are these? May I have the lavender one? :)

Hey, is that Florence Welch carrying one?

Thanks so much for reading, and have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Stopping to Smell the Roses or Take A Vacation Day, Too!

Hi everyone! Happy late Thursday night!

I'm keeping the post minimal for everyone as I'm a little under the weather today. I'm not really sick so much as showing signs as though I were. I guess I've have some very jam-packed, goal-oriented days and perhaps my body is telling me "Slow down" or else maybe I am getting sick. Either way, I'd trying to balance a bit. Letting myself eat the foods I like, rather than just what is as healthy as possible today and sleeping and reading has been the main focus of my day.

I had to go outside for a little bit on a lovely overcast day (and though not running I broke out into cold sweats... had to slow down a little there, too). On my way back to my place I saw some of the most stunning flowers and I took pictures to share with you guys.


How could anything be this blue?
Aren't they stunning?

I hope all of your days are as lovely and colorful and plush as this clusters if not more.

Happy Thursday again, and thanks for reading! :)

P.S. I just heard this mix on Soundcloud and I'm just mad about it. I hope you guys like it, too! Mes Nuits Blanches by Kognitif

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Painterly Dress

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday!

I'm doing a little post on a dress I've loved for years. I've been meaning to talk about this very unique fabric print for some time, actually. My sister just referred to it as "The Painterly Dress" and I thought it was a good title for today.

What I love about this, is the outside of the circles look like this:


And the inside of the circles look like this to me:


If you'd like to click the links in under the pictures, you can see how this is kind of heavy subject-material for dress fabric... right? :D But I kind of like it for that reason. It's nice to be reminded of deeper things in the every day life, once one can identify these symbols. (Besides the fact that the dress is great because it's comfortable and has pockets!) 

Well, that's all for today. Have a great rest of your Thursday (or Friday depending on where you live), and thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tom Ford's Violet Blonde: A perfume description

Hello my readers! Happy Thursday!
Two really bizarre things happened to me today: One I got a reader from Mexico! I am right across the border from Mexico, here in the United States, especially the southern part of California. And I had to double check before I wrote this: I've never had a reader from my next-door neighbor. Here is a list of the places where readers have checked my blog from:

list courtesy of my screen shot ability...

I just thought that was kind of weird. Nevertheless: Hey friend!!! Welcome to the group!!! :D

The other bizarre thing (that was also kind of right in my face but that I've overlooked time and again) is my love of perfume. I have never created a post for you about this fun little avocation that I've taken on, years ago. So I'd like to render, for your reading pleasure, a post about perfume! There will be many more, for you perfume fiends such as myself. 

With that being said, I have found it! I have found the perfume you may want to try if you're stuck in a place with fragrant smoke, such as a Starbucks (as I am today!), or perhaps a bonfire party. Some of you may know that smoke, heat or even pool and ocean water can wash away your carefully applied and coveted perfumes. This little beauty will cut right through the smoke, and is strong enough to keep rearing it's pretty face to your olfactory senses all day (maybe even after a swim, who knows?).
Tom Ford's Violet Blonde

So many people have told me of their love of Ford's Black Orchid. For some reason, it's never hit me in a I-need-a-sample-of-this-now! sort of way. However, it's similarly-packaged cousin really wows me.

I didn't know what drew me to it. There's a warm, extremely sweet essence to it. It seems like a great winter fragrance, but I bet people could pull it off in spring and summer, as well. There's almost a dessert quality to it, like many Thierry Mugler fragrances, only not as obvious as in Angel or Lancome's La Vie Est Belle. It's hidden behind earthy scents that blend evenly into this hypnotic potion. 

I did a little research and found that the top notes (the things you notice as soon as you spray) contain pure violet essence, as well as mandarine and rose. The heart notes (which come up after the liquid has dried) are mainly orris. That's the fragrant root of the iris plant. Perhaps what makes the fragrance so great with a woodsy touch to it is the cedar wood in the base notes. There's also benzoin, which is made of tree resin, but lends a vanilla-like fragrance to many perfumes. 

This little perfume packs a punch, and manages to be devastatingly sophisticated, without seeming elderly or outdated. I've seen the sample bottle in Nordstrom's as well as Sephora. I haven't seen it in Macy's, but they always have a big selection, so perhaps I've missed it. 

Definitely do check this out if you want something that will last a long time, and mimics nature in a seamless way! 

Thanks for reading, everyone! Have a great rest of your Thursday, everyone! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Last week, I attended and helped out with La Sierra University's charity and fashion event. Every year, students pick a cause that they feel is important, and raise funds with entertainment, food and a fashion show. I took some of my favorite photos to share with you all. There were many, many more as well.

My beautiful sister was the staff sponsor, and because I was willing to run around and do little things for her the day before, and that morning, I get to claim that I helped a little with this wonderful event. This year we sent money and well-wishes to Syrian refugees. It really is close to my heart because a few months ago I realized, if there was war or danger in my homeland, and it was safer to be out of my house than in it, I, too, would be a refugee. Funny how small the difference can be.

Without further ado, here are some of my favorite runway photos (Credit: Natan Vigna)

This beauty knocked my socks off!

My friend Viv looks extra fierce here!

I worked with this goddess at a summer camp once!
How to wear an amazing turban

Sis and Mom!

Sponsor this year and awesome sisterling! (Photo:Marla P.)
Our youngest model

Very prince-like, no?

I  love to see a little of the models' personality!

Can I wear this? I love it!
A little photo of yours truly...
Thanks for taking a look! Happy Thursday!