Thursday, June 27, 2013

Star Wars Fashion Show

After the show.

Boba Fett
 Boba Fett's costume, displayed on a rack that had the symbol of the Empire.
 Does anyone know about the arm patch that Boba Fett wears?
 I'm told these braids were taken from Wookies... that he beat in hand-to-hand combat!
 Kim Mah's C3P0 in front of the poster.
"Earth below us/ Drifting, Falling!"
Skywalker's Helmet

 Everyone's favorite R2 Unit. (A friend of mine asked if she was looking for Obi-Wan Kimono!)
Boba Fett

Boba Fett on the Runway


R2D2 stepping out

The group including designer Kim Mah

She borrowed my sunglasses for this photo! :D

Darth Vader

Skywalker on Runway

Mistress Vader

 Ruffled Sweetheart collar, a velvet cape, and a metal chain to keep it in place.
 Yes, I photo-shopped that helmet, a little. I had to make the lens flare look purposeful!
Kim Even painted the surrounding wall and put up Death Star-esque decorations to make it all come together.

This is not, I believe,  the exact remix, but the blaring music went a little something like this:


Towards the end of the 2012-2013 academic school year, Kim Mah presented a cosplay-styled fashion show as her senior thesis project for an art degree. She chose a Star Wars theme, which made me oh-so-interested (read: "completely geek out"). Some of the girls had never modeled before, and were nervous. The model for the Darth Vader dress walked out on the runway shaking, but it came across as seething anger, according people who talked to the make-up artist, Nathaniel O.  At one point she even put up the infamous choke-hold hand... and five men in the audience stood on their tip-toes and began coughing!

Kim Mah dressed as a character and looked stunning. She looked powerful and precise, and with smiles, and peace signs for every photo, she was as charismatic as her fashion show. I definitely appreciated it, and she said I could share it with you guys, so I'm grateful for that as well. It was a really rockin' evening.