Friday, August 23, 2013

Something to write home about

I hate to have a late blog once again this week. I wracked my brain on Wednesday and Thursday morning, trying to think of a cool topic. Then, on Thursday afternoon, it just kind of happened. I accompanied my mother (a long-time guitar player) and a friend of mine to a pawn shop, specifically to pick at a guitar for my friend (a new learner). After waiting for a long time and putting it off for dutiful expenses, she said she got sick of the wait, and put money aside for a new guitar. In the shop there were bass guitars, acoustic and electric guitars, fiberglass violins and even an antique double bass. As we were making the purchase, I saw this in the glass case behind the counter.

It had beautiful abalone inlays.

This other one had a single string. I have never seen it before.

Creeper hands

A friendly sales hand named Jose actually bothered to take it out and let me play it a little. He said he didn't know the proper name for it. I told him "It's called a koto, and it's instrument from Japan." I went on to mention that it was a instrument that only royalty were allowed to see or hear it played. The man who would come to be known as the master of composition would also be the one to play it in front of the masses, and subsequently get fired from his job in the palace. I'm told he's regarded as a hero of the people.

I'm realizing now that it was mostly a show piece. The strings were a bit thin, and might be broken by the three picks that a player traditionally wears, also it was a great deal smaller than a koto should be, but I had never seen one in real life, so it didn't occur to me until later.

For your listening pleasure I found a youtube video. Fuyuki Enokido, a professional koto player, shows us many variations on the traditional melody "Sakura", which invites people to come outside and watch the cherry blossoms bloom.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Beloved Place

This last week I moved. (Things have been crazy enough for me to miss my post last week, and make this week's a day late, in fact). Between packing boxes and taking deep breaths to lift entire pieces of furniture in one go, I realized that there are a few little things that I'm really going to miss from my old place. I lived on the campus of a university here in southern california, and the school always made sure that horticulture looked it's best.

As a result I collected a lot of pictures of flowers. I thought I would share some of the views that I grew accustomed to when I was there.
You should be there to smell the jasmine and gardenia flowers.

There was a time I was blending a lot of green plant material for food. So I ate some of these! :p

The Globe-themed fountain makes for a great reflecting pool at night. 

A beautiful morning. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I got to take a stain glass class this academic school year. We learned many different techniques, but I think my favorite was what the professor called "fuse glass" projects. It was amazing to me that with heat and proximity, someone could take multiple pieces of glass and make them one. I guess I got the feeling that it could be true for more than just inanimate objects. It got me hopeful and sentimental; there was more to the importance of my project than visual beauty.

I sandblasted the hammer away from the rainbow glaze. In the corner, you can see the necklace my friend loaned me for the design. 
There are 15 pieces of glass in total, and all are touching each other, but are individual pieces.
Here it is in the kiln, surrounded by ceramic blocks that will help it keep it's shape. When the heat is turned up, all the parts will melt together and become one flat plate. 
Complete in all it's glory!

There's extra brilliance because of how smooth the glass became.

You can see where the edges kept their individuality. 
Some of you might recognize the center's design as Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor. Just for you comic/Super Hero movie nerds (I am one of them!), here's something a little more familiar:
"Am I saying that I'm stronger than the average lady?... Am I saying that I might be slightly epic?... Screw it,: I *am* Lady Thor." :p