Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Favorite Place-- Day 1

Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting the blog (some of you more often than I even do)! It's been a little while since I posted with any sense of regularity, but I got to go to a favorite place last week, and I thought I'd share with you some of the images I took while I was there.

Whenever I'm not in southern California, the one place I miss, long for, and wish wasn't so far away is Balboa Park. There's always something going on there, and as it turns out, this time there were many things going on at once. A dance recital (which I never found my way to!), an orchid show, a Steampunk cosplay meet-up celebrating the 7th year of my favorite steampunk band: Steam Powered Giraffe! (Congrats, guys, on your lasting success!) And as always, museums, museums, museums! ... and an organ concert hall! 

These are just the pictures from day one. 


Park on the horizon!

How did you get there, lil' guy?


This looks like a good place for the one selfie..

Creepy Darling...

Thank you!

Tower and Moon shot

This girl rocked the guitar!

watching the sunset...